Individual publishing conditions

If you have a wide discography, we are ready to form a profitable personal offer
Music distribution for
publishers and labels
YUNA DISTRIBUTION provides record companies with all the necessary tools to optimize their supply chain, digital operations, and catalog management. We help you upload your content quickly and efficiently, ensuring compliance with DSC metadata standards, and make it available to our partners.
Optimize your
digital operations
on a single platform
  • Manage, distribute, promote and track your digital content on one platform
  • Set a white-label for your partners
  • Use powerful internal tools to improve your results
© 2024 YUNA MUSIC label group

designed by YUNA MUSIC
Photo by Ezkol Arnak, cottonbro studio
  • About us
  • Digital stores
  • Services
  • Individual conditions
  • Distribution
  • Finance and Analytics
  • Legal part and documents